Friday, July 22, 2011

Nathaniel is Two!

On the fifteenth Nathaniel turned two. We took him to see Rio (which he lasted through about half of) and let him pick a new toy at ToysRUs. We came home and had cupcakes. I think Nathaniel's favorite part was singing Happy Birthday, he kept signing "more, more"

Six Flags

We took our annual trip to six flags on the fourteenth. It was completely unplanned which ended up being a lot of fun. The weather was pretty cool (well for this summer it wasnt hitting triple digits) and they had predicted rain that didnt come so the lines were fairly short. There was not much that Nathaniel could ride yet but he defiantly had fun on the few things he could ride. Eliana is still wondering if next year she will be tall enough for roller coasters. We let her play a carnival game and she won a big pink bear! She was very proud.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Fourth Of July!

On Sunday (the third) we picked up Brian and spent the day in the country with Daniel and Sheila...
after a rough start (four extra kids in the house) we took them all to the backyard pool for three hours
then it started raining and the temperature dropped about 20 degrees.. since it started at 105 it made for a much nicer evening of setting off fireworks and making smores
after a very late night and early morning we drove back to Saint Louis
we blew a tire and had to get a new one... but
we still made it to the Florrisant City fireworks and then put everyone to bed
it was very full but everyone had fun