Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I just unliked a facebook page after seeing at least the 10th post bashing circumcision in a couple days. I cant look anymore.
I circumcised all three of my boys as a matter of course. It has been done for 3000 + years. I am Jewish, we do this.
Until this pregnancy, I never knew there was anyone else who cared what happened to my child's penis. But I discovered there is a whole movement out there who not only cares deeply about it but wants to change the law to force me to comply with their wishes.
I am pretty "crunchy" or AP, or whatever label you want to give it. And this seems to go along with not circing.. unless of course you are Jewish. I never thought anything of it. I certainly never felt the need to convience any of these friends to circumcise.
But I cant help feeling attacked lately. Not by people choosing not to circumcise but by that growing vocal minority who feel it is their obligation to stop others. When people call it child abuse and mutilation, you are attacking me and my G-d. When I hesitate to post something like this on facebook, I wonder, am I being immoral? Is this being ashamed of G-d?
I never try and convince others not to eat pork, but I never doubted my decision. I never felt the need to search for scientific backup for this command (although its there pork is gross but thats another subject).
I do these things because that is what He said to do, I do not need another reason.
This is a bit disorganized as I am just typing out what I am feeling at the moment. Sorry

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