Friday, November 30, 2012


29 I am grateful for health, being sick this week reminded me I am grateful that I am largely a healthy and functional person.  There are so many things that can afflict the human body. I am thankful that I have been spared them.

30- Finally, I am grateful for HaShem.  He makes all of the other 29 things possible.  He is the only reason there is.  There is not really anything I can say except I am glad He loves me

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Clearly posting every day is not my thing..

22- I am thankful for the opportunity to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family.  I enjoy it.

23-I am thankful that my parents are joining me in Tulsa

24- I am thankful we joined the aquarium.. it is so much fun to bring the kids

25- I am thankful that my parents were willing to make a five hour drive to see us.

26- I am thankful that my I can dictate the school schedule in our house

27-I am thankful my husband has some flexible hours that can accommodate this awful flu

28- I am thankful we are all filling better

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am thankful that my husband has a job.  With all the politics and economic troubles.  I am SO thankful that we have an income right now that can support our family.
I am thankful for my education.  Past and future.  I am thankful that I live in a place where women are allowed an education.  I am thankful for parents who taught me to value education and thinking for yourself.  I am thankful for the chance to educate my children.  And I am thankful for the chance to finally complete my education.

I am thankful for my marriage.  (I know I already said I was thankful for my husband but this is different).  I am thankful that after thirteen years we still are here.  I am thankful that we both know the value of working hard at marriage when the world around us doesn't think its that important.  I am thankful that I am in a marriage with equal partners who respect each other, not a boss and a servant.  I am thankful for a partner in my parenting efforts and a cheerleader in my personal struggles   I am thankful that I got to choose my own partner and that G-d provided a great one.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

sixteen, seventeen, eighteen

I am thankful for my new kitchen with room for all my gadgets.I love to cook...#wishiwasbetteratit#

I am grateful for Shabbat and for this season where we have the day free.

I am grateful for a church that graciously accepted us into Awana without pressuring us to join.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


13..I am thankful that I am under His protection no matter what is going on in this world

14..I am thankful for the little steps that are slowly leading me back to school

15...I am thankful that no one is firing rockets at my home tonight

Monday, November 12, 2012

Eleven, Twelve

11, I am thankful for my parents. So many people struggle with family. I am glad for our good relationship and the fact that they are great grandparents that my children cherish.
12, following the trend but should be said, I am thankful for this country and all of those who sacrificed for our freedom

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I seem to be lousy at getting on the computer once a day

7 I am thankful for my new house, it really is so much nicer

8 I am thankful for the opportunity to finally go back to school...

9 Chocolate... no explanation really needed

10 I am thankful we found a new place to worship that we fit in well

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I am grateful that I have the right to home school my children.  I know that there are many places (and one of them could even be the future) where it would not be my choice.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 2,3,4,5

OK so.. it was a little inconvenient to get to my computer this weekend, but that does not mean I am not grateful, so here goes

2: I am grateful that I have a husband that considers it his duty to take care of our whole family, both financially and emotionally.
3: I am grateful that while we have had hard times by American standards, my children have never truly suffered. They have never slept in the snow or gone without food. They have never been without clothing.  They have never known the fear and uncertainty of a war right outside the door. They have never been ravaged by disease.

4: I am grateful that we have a great new house and a yard for the kids, I am so glad we can settle somewhere finally.

5: Despite all the arguing I am grateful I live in a country where we can vote and what we say actually matters.  That being said, I am also grateful its almost over.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thirty Days Of Thanksgiving

I saw a few ppl doing this on facebook and I thought it was a great idea.
Today will be short because I just discovered this and it is bedtime!

I am grateful for my beautiful children.  I know the odds are against me having had only healthy pregnancies producing only healthy children.