Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 2,3,4,5

OK so.. it was a little inconvenient to get to my computer this weekend, but that does not mean I am not grateful, so here goes

2: I am grateful that I have a husband that considers it his duty to take care of our whole family, both financially and emotionally.
3: I am grateful that while we have had hard times by American standards, my children have never truly suffered. They have never slept in the snow or gone without food. They have never been without clothing.  They have never known the fear and uncertainty of a war right outside the door. They have never been ravaged by disease.

4: I am grateful that we have a great new house and a yard for the kids, I am so glad we can settle somewhere finally.

5: Despite all the arguing I am grateful I live in a country where we can vote and what we say actually matters.  That being said, I am also grateful its almost over.

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